Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Finals blog post

Blog update for the final week of Fall semester! Woo! I have everything done and now I am just going crazy thinking I have things to do while not actually having anything to do. Just wish me luck for speaking in front of people tomorrow!
I have a lot planned for the break, a whole lot of reading, and teaching myself to knit more than just scarves. Also, cementing my project direction for next semester of course. Hopefully the reading will help me with that. Going to try and get away from such a heavy subject. Thinking too much about loss, death, grief. Been having to experience a lot of that, but it's time to move away from it.

Here are some artists I have been checking out:

Henrique Oliveira
Because the work fits into specific places.
Shinichi Maruyama
Movement photography
Freya Jobbins
Recycled plastic sculpture
Anton Marrast

Dorothy Gill Barnes
A local woman who does some very cool weaving.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

game making!

Hello world,
I can't figure out how to publish my game, so here's a screen capture:

Monday, December 3, 2012


What? Winter, right? In my mind, winter is always 67 degrees. I'm alright with all the GREY if it's warm. I know it won't last for very long though!
Started to install my work over in DSB. Still not done with the large neck pieces, but they're getting there.  They need another 5-10 hours of work, woo!
Still working on installing the other two pieces in DSB as well. It is interesting actually installing work. I haven't ever had this experience before. The work isn't quite done until it gets installed, it needed more when I got it over there. So, I am giving it more work! I am not going to post photos because I want it to be a surprise, for people who go to the opening. Plus the people that read this are in DSB every day, haha.

This doesn't so much have to do with my work, but I saw Seven Psychopaths tonight and it was a very good movie. 

So here are some artists I am looking at:
Jean Paul Gautier
This is sort of more of a revision. I'm looking at a lot of Haute Couture, or Garment sculpture.
Brandon Keehner
Shen Shaomin
Michael Grab Rely

Also I am starting to explore the subject of Anonymity for my project next semester. Potentially. We will see.