Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Project proposals

Here is my project proposal for Spring semester, 2013:

The thread that goes through the beads is woven in a certain path, until, meeting a bead that has broken or is disjointed, it backtracks and becomes entangled inside the beads. This event is that which the viewer never sees The beads, while fragile and weak alone together become a heavy, strong whole. And yet, individually, hit them a certain way or squeeze one and they break. But even if one breaks, the thread holds the rest together. This idea of strength and weakness held together in one object speaks to the human condition to me. We don’t know how strong we are until something challenging happens, and then it’s those tangled threads of knowledge and wisdom and maturity that keep us together. But even though we are strong, sometimes we do break and it’s up to those surrounding us to help us maintain our form.
This semester my work will consist of sculptural jewelry objects. I will start by researching modern Jewelry theory, utilizing a text entitled “Thinking Jewellry”. This text is based on the “assumption that the human need for decoration is an anthropological constant that has accompanied man since the beginnings of humanization[1]” I am interested in how this text explores modern and historical views on jewelry through a variety of lenses, including psychological, anthropological, artistic and sociological.
Through this research, I intend to draw from additional readings about the psychology of material studies, and visual research into historical and African tribal jewelry and its uses. I am interested in the history of jewelry and its shifting social purpose in Western society. A certain colour or design could indicate that someone was of age to be courted, or married to a soldier, or in mourning. People could take social cues from jewelry or dress. I am interested in the semiotics between fashion and society.
I am curious about Tribal jewelry is used in the same way that historical dress was used. In the Masai tribe of Kenya, for example, a certain colour of necklace can indicate that the woman wearing it is a new bride. For every child, a new necklace of a different colour or pattern is added. The men of the Dinka tribe of Sudan wear corset type garments called Malual. They are sewn onto the men when they come of age, and added to as they reach important life steps. The higher and more ornate the corset, the wealthier and more prominent the man is. The way that jewelry is still used in tribal African cultures is very interesting because it dictates their social cues.
In my work I will also use the body as blank form. I will manipulate it in ways that it is not used to. In this way, I am owning the body as display space and medium. I am specifically interested in restriction by unfamiliar or difficult movement and binding. By creating jewelry that restricts the body, I will manipulate it into something different from what it normally exists as.
I am attracted to using beads and thread in particular is because it is chaos and structure all in one technique. This semester I will use beads and thread, as well as some metals and fabrics. I will leave this open to experimentation though, as I feel limiting this would have a negative impact on my work.
Presentation of this project may include the photographic or video evidence of the work, displayed with the pieces.

[1] Lindemann, Wilhelm. Thinking Jewellery on the way towards a theory of jewellery. 1st edition. Germany: Arnoldsche Art Publishers, 2011. 14. Print.

In addition to this new project, which is very porous and will change over the semester, I am dealing with the ritual of my work last semester. I feel like the ideas of ritual and restriction are two things i'm bringing from last semester. While dealing with the ritual of last semesters pieces, I am filming it and will post those videos on here. Here are the first three, from this week:

Other than that I am going to write and read a lot more this semester, and make sure i'm thoroughly documenting my process. 
Here are some artists I am looking at right now:
And her video, Meta.Morph
Interested in his allusion to the body through the use of dolls. 
Costume/fashion designer, makes some wearable sculpture
Gender studies photography, I want to plaster my walls with these images. Again, deals with perceived expectations of the body. 
I need to go more into depth on researching this person, Chase suggested him and so far the makeup is freaking me out, haha. I see where he fits into my research though. 

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