Monday, September 30, 2013

Back with a vengeance.

I am back and ready to kick some arse. After a good strong round of antibiotics I am off the couch and working hard. I have a lot of new and exciting ideas from my first group critique. I am considering very highly doing some quilting, and tackling some difficult subjects dealing with what makes someone a woman, femininity and female politics. We'll see what it ends up as!
I am reading a really good book called The Subversive Stitch and another one dealing with The Everyday. I have others on board to be read once i'm done with these two!

Artists and things i'm looking at this week:
Curtis William Readel

Tim Tadder

Sarah Greaves

Who knew there was special thread for feminine products?

This site is biased toward menstrual cups but has some interesting history regarding feminine hygiene products.

Severija Incirauskaites

Laura Splan

Carina Ubeda
Carina Ubeda and other female artists
This art deals with menstrual blood, so if that grosses you out don't click. Or do.

Nina Katchadourin

Hrafnhildur Arnardottir

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Working hard. Examining decoration all around me. Reading quite a few books on decoration and stitchery.
looking at these artists:

Not very much this week.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


So I dropped the ball. This is me, blogging two days late. It's easy to blog when I don't have to but when it's a necessity I seem to forget...
In any case, this week has been filled with visual and literary discovery. Woohoo! I am working with  items and processes and trying to discover what is gendered and what is not. Through this research, using books and discussions with other artists, I hope to get to the root of which objects I might focus on for my show. I am exploring the technique of embroidery on cardboard, paper and other combinations of materials.
These are the artists I have been looking at this week, along with many embroidery artists found in books.
MAtthew Stone

Ridiculous Olek crochet

Craft, Academia, and the 21st Century

Some fashion show

Lillith by Kiki Smith

Isabelle de Borchgrave